A change in overall workforce development will occur when more states make programs like these a requirement of licensure within their state.

The Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc. (ULC) Field Evaluation Services only applies to products intended to be installed in Canada in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1.

An overview of how the introduction of IEC 60079-11 Edition 7 can affect your compliance efforts.

Let's cover some of the basics that the AHJ should be aware of and possibly inspect before giving a permit for energizing the system and connecting it to the utility.

It is interesting to note a similarity between the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I (CE Code) requirements for fire stops in a fire separation, or with requirements for seismic support of electrical equipment - and the subject at hand.

Please provide an update on where I can easily find wire connectors that are Listed (Certified) for splicing or tapping conductors on the line side of service equipment as required in the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) 230.46.

The transportation system of tomorrow will be substantially different from the system that most Canadians are familiar with today.

Shared knowledge and collaboration between everyone involved will derive stories of electrical safety achievements that people wish to tell through the end of time.

Connecting a utility-interactive PV power system can be accomplished on either the supply side or the load side of the facility’s main service disconnect.

Let’s take a look at the differences between calculated loads, demand loads, demonstrated loads, and the application of demand factors in the CE Code.