Many working in the electrical industry are concerned with and dedicated to safe electrical system design, installation, and use.
Electrical hazards, such as arc-flash hazards, can be extremely damaging to equipment and, more importantly, to people.
To insure that electric supply facilities comply with the rules of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), Rule 214A 2 states, "Lines and equipment shall be inspected at such intervals as experience has shown to be necessary.”
During your career as an electrical inspector, have you ever received a shock while inspecting? Have you ever accidentally faulted a circuit between phases or to ground?
Electrical inspection processes and techniques differ and often are dictated by construction conditions. Using the NEC Electrical Toolkit is a guide to help out.
Renovating those older systems adds flexibility through modern wiring practice and increases safety.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the role of the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) in the area classification process.