To have Cu-Clad BCBW in service within these two different climates for five decades can provide real-world insight into its performance.

Those of us in the inspection community and those associated with the inspection community, including inspectors at all levels, chief inspectors, building officials, and administrators responsible for funding, need to work diligently to increase the competency and quality of our inspection process and our inspection force.

In the world of electrical power, copper clad aluminum is the third of only three industrial metals referenced by the NEC as acceptable for use as the core-metal conductor in residential branch circuit conductor applications.

Today we have daily PV inspections, and some are supply-side connected. Article 705.12(A) Point of Connection (Supply-Side) points the reader to 230.82(6) for the allowance to connect to the supply side of the service disconnecting means.

Hydrokinetic turbine generation process uses flowing water in the form of ocean tidal energy, river in-stream energy, or ocean current energy to generate electricity.

This article will continue our review of the significant changes in the 2017 NEC that relate to photovoltaic (PV) power systems.

This article will focus on the inspection of DC combiners, tracker controllers and other unique and challenging situations utilizing the NEC, UL Standards, and the Building Code.

With most of the United States now on the 2014 or 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC) several topics and enforcement questions are routinely being discussed. This article will address some of the most relevant issues facing enforcement and installers concerning PV systems.

Article 705 covers any on-site power production system that interfaces with a utility supply and how they interconnect. To be considered a service, the source of power must be a utility company distribution system.

Advancements in control technology and energy management have made compliance with National Electrical Code, Article 700, Emergency Systems, more complex, with far more design choices available to the specifier or installer