Bret Stoddard works as the Building Official for the City of Rexburg, in Eastern Idaho, and as a principal member of NEC Code-Making Panel 15 since 2013. He has been a member of IAEI for 16 years. He has worked in the electrical industry for over 25 years, as a Master electrician, inspector, and plan reviewer. In 2006, at the young age of 27, he was hired as an electrical inspector for the City of Rexburg. He was promoted to the building official position in 2017. He is a licensed master electrician, former electrical contractor, and holds an IAEI Master electrical inspector certification and several ICC certifications. He has served on many boards and committees and is a past president of the Northwestern Section of IAEI. He has a love for the electrical industry and has a passion for continuing the improvements of electrical safety.
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