Building departments play a crucial role in shaping and maintaining the physical and social fabric of a community. They are often the first point of contact for residents, developers, and business owners when it comes to construction, renovation, and compliance with local building codes. Being the face of the community comes with a giant responsibility, maintaining professionalism while performing a naturally higher conflict career.
Unfortunately building departments are often thought of as being a bureaucratic red tape in the pursuit of completing a project—a nuisance. Many have a negative view of these departments before they have ever interacted with the personnel that staff them. We, as members of these departments, must stop and ask ourselves, why?
Often these negative stereotypes are handed down due to the actions of those that came before us. Here are some examples of what previous personnel may have done before us to cause these stereotypes to be placed upon us.
- Not providing clear references to which codes/ordinances were violated when citing a deficiency. When we deem a project as having deficiencies, it is our responsibility to be very clear as to what specific codes or ordinances were violated.
- Selective enforcement of the jurisdictions’ adopted codes and ordinances. We must keep our personal opinions about the codes/ordinances we are tasked with enforcing out of our jobs. The job of the building department is not to legislate but to enforce.
- Lack of professionalism. The way we conduct ourselves in the community matters. When the community sees the enforcement personnel conducting themselves in a way that can be seen as rude or authoritative, it damages the community’s respect for the whole department.
These stereotypes are damaging to the underlying foundation of the building department and are incredibly frustrating for those earnestly trying to rebuild the department’s reputation. The only thing those trying to rebuild can do is to continue to represent the community each day positively.
So, what do building departments do to positively serve the community and uphold the trust that is put in them?
Providing Education and Outreach
Hosting educational events and teaching code to the contractors that perform work in our areas. This is one of the most effective ways of creating trust with the public, and it helps to foster an environment where the contractor can trust us to work with them to find a code-compliant solution rather than thinking of us as an obstacle.
Acting as a Liaison Between Stakeholders
Building departments are tasked with managing relations between various stakeholders, such as residents, developers, business owners, and government officials. The building department acts on behalf of the ordinance, not of any other special interests. In doing this, they hold all parties to the legally adopted standard for that jurisdiction and create a fair playing field.
Encouraging Economic Growth
By facilitating the construction of new buildings and the renovation of existing ones, building departments play a key role in supporting economic growth. They help to create jobs, attract new businesses, and increase property values.
Easing Fears and Helping to Develop a Path Forward
For many, starting a project is a monumental task. It is often a major undertaking with many pieces of the puzzle not yet assembled. The building department can play a crucial role in helping to put this puzzle together and helping the applicant find a clear path forward with their project. By providing this regulatory guidance, we can help guide the applicant toward compliance and build a great working relationship in the process.
In conclusion, building departments are much more than inspectors. They are integral to the safety, sustainability, economic vitality, and aesthetic appeal of a community. By fulfilling their diverse roles, building departments truly become the face of the community, reflecting its values and aspirations.
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