How well do you know requirements about connections in the 2017 NEC? Take this quiz with a copy of the National Electrical Code nearby.

In Section 2 of the CE Code, we encounter the first numbered rules in the Code. The rules from 2-000 to 2-032 are categorized as administrative rules. 

This article will try to explain the limitations of terminating single conductors directly to distribution equipment and the reason for Subrules (5) and (6) of CE Code Rule 8-104.

The 2017 NEC has incorporated sweeping changes in the way it deals with PV systems and related systems that will resonate into the future for many years.

I have seen many display cases and commercial displays in retail stores made by millwork shops that incorporate lights and outlets, concealed power strips and power supplies, have multiple large flat screen displays, and a mixed bag of LED tape lights and drivers that are not Listed.  Does UL list these types of display products as entire assemblies?

IAEI members are actively involved in the development of both the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Canadian Electrical Code (CE Code). In fact, this involvement has been part of the mission of IAEI since its inception in 1928.

In June 2016, CE Code Technical Committee voted on and agreed to the following definition changes in Section 0.

Respective AHJs who administer provisions of the NBCC, C282, Z32 and the CE Code in this regard must be consulted accordingly.

This article will cover some of the behind-the-scenes activities that occur along with the more formal process of developing the Code and the UL standards for PV systems.

Over the next series of articles, I will provide a guide to help users find their way through the Canadian Electrical Code (CE Code).