Now that we have a series of equations relating to power, voltage, current, and resistance, I want to crank through some simple example calculations.

When people ask me, “What is electricity?” I tell them that electricity is the presence of voltage.

This short article discusses the purpose of system grounding, grounding requirements, separately derived systems, and available short-circuit current. Hopefully, it will clear up any misunderstandings or confusion surrounding the grounding and bonding of vehicle-mounted (trailer) mobile generators.

What is the purpose of a life safety system that fails in the event of an emergency? These systems are designed to help occupants safely evacuate a building during emergency conditions. Contractors, code enforcement agencies, and designers must understand the requirements of local, state, and national codes and standards that are developed in order to maintain this integrity.

Making the right choices is a difficult decision when considering safety, electrical performance, and cost. The following discussion focuses on the electrical connection and installation tools to make the connection.

The holiday season is an extremely busy part of the year for everyone, and there is no exception for electricians. While many anticipate the upcoming celebrations and décor, we start many months prior preparing for the season to come.

It is getting closer to the holidays, and many individuals will be tasked with installing holiday lighting and other electrically operated devices outside their dwelling units. Many folks find it a challenge to find accessible outdoor receptacle outlets for this purpose.

Join Keith Lofland as he explains how to calculate the minimum number of lighting circuits for residential dwelling units (general purpose).

As we continue to learn more about the COVID-19 virus, Members of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) are receiving questions regarding the cleaning and disinfecting of electrical equipment.

Resilience to power outages begins with the healthcare facility and its leadership. Facilities that prepare and plan for the unexpected will be less likely to have catastrophic failures and will be able to request and receive temporary assets faster if needed.