In the final installment of this series, we will explore the nuances of developing a continuing education strategy, educational sources that should be pillars of such a strategy and finally, why it’s absolutely necessary for both the good of the individual inspector and the profession as a whole.

Is an electrical inspection in your area viewed as a public safety activity that is respected without compromise? Are the inspection services offered in your area properly funded, or are they under scrutiny for budget cutting?

Publication of the 2008 NEC reminds us once again that there are a host of dedicated electrical professionals that worked together to improve the safety associated with the distribution, control and use of electricity.

Maintaining positive and effective working relations between inspectors and installers is essential in business and the electrical trade.

During these investigations, a trend involving multimeter accidents emerged and alarmingly revealed that approximately 80 per cent of the reported multimeter accidents resulted in critical injuries to the victim.

Was this done to encourage pole-ish jokes? Where was the building inspector? Where was the electrical inspector?