I have encountered two different UL Field Evaluation labels on products in the U.S. One states it is a field evaluation service from Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc., and the label states it is evaluated to the model code SPE-1000. The other field evaluation label shows UL in a circle, the word Evaluated, and states, “This product has been evaluated in accordance with the procedures and limitations specified in the issued report.” Are they both suitable for field evaluations in the U.S.? What is the difference between the two?
The Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc. (ULC) Field Evaluation Services only applies to products intended to be installed in Canada in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1. This type of field evaluation, or special inspection as it is referred to in Canada, evaluates products for compliance to CSA SPE- 1000, Model Code for the Field Evaluation of Electrical Equipment. SPE-1000 does not apply to the United States and does not include requirements for products intended for installation in accordance with the National Electrical Code® (NEC®).
SPE-1000 permits products to be evaluated and labeled at the factory or in the field. The model code does not require that the field evaluation or special inspection, or application of the labeling occur at the final installation site. In addition, when the ULC Field Evaluation Service label is applied a final report is issued.
ULC is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to ISO/IEC 17020 as an inspection body offering field evaluations, and the ULC Electrical Field Evaluation Label is recognized and accepted by the Canadian Electrical Authorities across Canada. For more information on ULC’s Field Evaluation Service, visit

In the United States, field evaluations are governed by NFPA 790, Standard for Competency of Third-Party Field Evaluation Bodies, and NFPA 791, Recommended Practice and Procedures for Unlabeled Electrical Equipment Evaluation. NFPA 791 requires the primary standard used for field evaluation of the equipment to be the nationally recognized product safety standard applicable for the specific type of equipment being evaluated and the applicable electrical installation code. In this case, that is the National Electrical Code (NEC). In addition, NFPA 791 requires the field evaluation process to be completed and labeled at the final installation site.
Products that have been field evaluated by UL Solutions for installation in the U.S. will be labeled with the serialized UL Evaluated label. In addition to the label, a final report is issued that corresponds to the serialized number on the label. The report details all the criteria of the field evaluation and should be reviewed as part of an authority having jurisdiction’s (AHJ) approval decision.
UL LLC (UL Solutions) is accredited by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) as Field Evaluation Body (FEB) 107 as outlined in NFPA 790 to perform field evaluations in the United States. IAS provides accreditation for field evaluation bodies (FEB) based on requirements in the IAS Accreditation Criteria for Field Evaluation of Unlisted Electrical Equipment (AC354), ISO/IEC 17020, and NFPA Standards. IAS-accredited FEBs are qualified to evaluate unlisted electrical equipment in the field. Not all FEBs are accredited to evaluate all electrical equipment. UL LLC’s accreditation is the broadest in scope. To view the scope of accreditation for a FEB, visit and select “Search Field Evaluation Bodies”.

For more information on UL Solutions Field Evaluations, visit
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