We’re Now the Independent Alliance of the Electrical Industry

Effective January 1, 2024, we are proud to announce our rebranding initiative, unveiling a new corporate brand as the Independent Alliance of the Electrical Industry.  This strategic decision reflects the company’s growth, evolution, and commitment to innovation within the electrical safety space.

The renaming of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors to the Independent Alliance of the Electrical Industry is part of a comprehensive rebranding effort that aims to align the company’s visual identity, messaging, and values with its current and future objectives. The new name encapsulates the company’s renewed vision and strategic direction while reinforcing its position as an industry leader.

Commenting on the rebranding, IAEI’s President/CEO Rudolph Garza, stated, “Today marks an exciting chapter in our company’s history. Our decision to rebrand to the Independent Alliance of the Electrical Industry reflects our continued dedication to delivering excellence, pushing boundaries, and embracing change in an ever-evolving industry. We believe this rebranding effort will better resonate with our members, partners, and stakeholders, ultimately propelling us forward toward new opportunities. Just because we are changing our name doesn’t mean we are changing who we have been since 1928.  We have, are, and forever will be The Voice of Electrical Code Enforcement.”

“The IAEI bylaws, articles of incorporation, board structure, legal corporate name, membership structure, strategic direction, mission, and purpose will all remain exactly the same, but under a new brand.  Enforcement of the Electrical Code will remain at our core,” added Garza.

As part of the rebranding process, IAEI will ensure a seamless transition for its existing customers and partners. The company remains committed to maintaining its high-quality standards, industry expertise, and exceptional customer service throughout this transformation. Existing contracts, agreements, and partnerships will remain in effect without any changes or disruptions.

IAEI will continue to provide its broad range of membership and training services, leveraging its extensive experience and expertise to meet the evolving needs of its clients. The rebranding will also offer new avenues for growth and expansion as the company explores emerging markets and opportunities.

The unveiling of the Independent Alliance of the Electrical Industry reflects a bold step towards the future, solidifying the company’s commitment to being at the forefront of the electrical safety industry as the Voice of Electrical Code Enforcement. The association invites its members, customers, and partners to join them in this exciting journey as they embark on a new era of success and innovation.