A Look at Resolutions, again!

As the year 2002 draws to a close and the new year comes before we know it, we traditionally reflect on what the past year has brought and what we expect for the next. Many of us make new year’s resolutions with good intentions of keeping them and making changes in our lives or work. I wonder what new year’s resolutions you will be making? May I suggest a few? What about resolving to gain more knowledge to help you in your job? The IAEI has many excellent educational programs to help you with this resolution. The Analysis of the Changes, 2002 NEC, is a thorough presentation of the many important changes in the NEC. The Soares Grounding seminar is another good educational experience for those that need help in understanding the ins and outs of grounding. There are several other programs that the IAEI conducts in coordination with chapters or as separately conducted programs.

What about resolving to attend one or several chapter meetings and/or section meetings?
Continuing education is essential in keeping up with the many changes, not only in the Code but also in the rapidly advancing technology. Many new products are now being used that have changed the way electrical systems are installed. You must keep up with changes and the best way is to attend chapter and section meetings. Since all sections will be meeting together in the year 2003 and celebrating 75 years as the IAEI, why not plan to attend that celebration? The educational experience will be one that only comes about every 25 years. Electrical people from all the U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, and other countries will be coming together to share their experiences and learn from each other. The education program promises to cover many timely and important topics. It will not be all business, of course, for we are meeting in the greatest family vacation spot in the country Disney World.

What about resolving to get involved in the code making process?
Even though, by the time you read this the deadline for submitting code proposals for the 2005 edition of the National Electrical Code will be passed, you can still read the actions taken by the code making panels and submit comments. The code making panels meet in January to consider the proposals submitted from folks just like you. After the code panels have considered the proposals and acted on them, a publication is issued the National Electrical Code Committee Report on Proposals (ROP). You can then submit comments on that action for the code panel to consider at the December 2003 panel meetings. What a great way to be involved.

What about resolving to become more involved in the IAEI?
After you have attended a chapter meeting you should have observed that this organization is made of many dedicated volunteers. Volunteers that have a desire to help their fellow man by serving as officers in the organization or serving on a committee. There are volunteers that spend many hours studying the Code to be able to share that knowledge with others. You can be one of these volunteers. All you have to do is resolve to volunteer and become more involved.

Resolve to grow IAEI
If you are already one of those hardworking members, then resolve to promote the IAEI by obtaining new members and help them get involved. Our strongest asset is the member, members that participate in teaching, coaching, writing, and the many other things that promote our goals. We must continue to recruit new members to keep our association strong and fresh. New members bring new ideas, new and different ways of doing things, and we must welcome them and get them involved. Sometimes, doing things differently can be good. Sometimes we must provide guidance to the new member so the mistakes we made will not be made again. The important thing is to resolve to grow the IAEI.

Resolve to share your knowledge by writing an article
As your read this issue of the IAEI News, note that many of the writers are not professional writers but volunteers. People who serve on code making panels, people who are part of the electrical industry, and people that are teachers, these are the people that provide material for the IAEI News. A good resolution is to share your knowledge by writing an article for the News. How about on your experiences as an electrical inspector or contractor? Many of you have some unique or maybe amusing experience that could be told and help or encourage our fellow members. Let us hear from you!

Make your resolutions and stick with them
New year’s resolutions are made with good intentions. Most of us really mean to keep our resolutions, but as the year progresses we slip and they are forgotten. But, I believe, if you try some of the ones mentioned, you will soon see what good things can come from them. Maybe you will learn something that will save a life. Maybe you can share something that can save a life. After all, all of us sharing in the mission of providing a safe electrical environment for our neighbors is what the IAEI is all about.

May I be one of the first to wish you holiday greetings. Make those resolutions and stick to them. Happy reading this issue of the News that focuses on hazardous locations.

James W. Carpenter
Former IAEI CEO and Executive Director, and Editor-in-Chief for the IAEI News, James Carpenter was previously the chief electrical engineer, state electrical inspector for the Engineering Division of the Office of State Fire Marshal, North Carolina Department of Insurance. He had been with the department for twenty years, with twenty years electrical experience prior to coming to the state. He was a member of CMP-2 from 1987 to 2002 and was chairman for the last three cycles. He has been a member of IAEI since 1972. He was also a member of NFPA and is serving as the TCC chair and on the Standards Council. He was on the UL Electrical Council.