On April 23, 2024, members of the NFPA and IAEI met to strengthen professional relationships. IAEI wishes to thank the NFPA for their on-going support and collaboration in support of public safety.

In July of 2021, IAEI was excited to partner with Thomas Domitrovich to launch an online series of training videos called #IAEINewsLive

Today we are dependent upon technology in most aspects of our lives, and it is changing, and we must change with it.

A recent report by the ASAE indicated that 92% of Associations in the US were still working remotely as of September 1, 2020. As you will see in the 2020 Highlight, much has been accomplished in a short time since June.

Expanding the IAEI membership base is the best way to grow and sustain IAEI as an organization. With its rich history of keeping the public safe from electrical hazards, the IAEI can continue in that direction through recruiting non-electrical inspector members who work in the electrical field.

While decorations and light contribute to the spectacle of the season, it is critical to use these objects safely to reduce the risk of fires and electrical injuries.

My association leadership philosophy is simple: “Are we providing the members with value-added propositions that promote and enhance their industry?”