In this article, we will cover some of Canadian Electrical Code requirements for standby power and transfer switching.

The new Section 210-12 of the 1999 National Electrical Code (NEC) requires arc-fault circuit-interrupter protection for some branch circuits. Does UL List such devices?

This editorial will focus primarily on electrical inspector certification and recertification in the United States for the purpose of covering proposed changes that will affect the IAEI program in the US.

Can a UL Listed product be modified in the field if the manufacturer indicates that the revision is ok and sends out new parts?

In similar fashion, without electrical inspectors enforcing the electrical code, many will not follow those established rules.

But is the information contained in the Canadian Electrical Code enough for our purposes – or do we need to look further afield to find out more?

The 1998 Canadian Electrical Code has made some more changes in the rules for underground conductor ampacities.