For more than a decade, users have deployed permanent electrical safety devices (PESDs) to reduce the risks in isolating electrical energy. This elegantly simple innovation increases the probability that workers are exposed only to “zero voltage” when doing an absence-of-voltage test.
This series of articles provides a guide to help users find their way through the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1 (CE Code).
The popular and frequently referenced Model Inspection Checklist for Rooftop PV is now updated and expanded to include the latest national and international codes and safety insight for the rapidly expanding solar industry.
This is the third of a series of five articles detailing significant changes approved by the Technical Committee for the 2018 Canadian Electrical Code Part I (CE Code).
Today, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association published the 2018 edition of Electrical Standards & Products Guide, a comprehensive listing of NEMA electrical standards and technical documents.
This is the second in a series of five articles detailing significant changes approved by the Technical Committee for the 2018 Canadian Electrical Code Part I (CE Code).
Guide to the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I – Section 12 Wiring Methods: Installment 8 in a Series
It should be noted that while many other sections of the CE Code are commonly used by designers, installers and regulators, Section 12 is mostly used by electricians and by electrical inspectors.
This is the first of a series of articles detailing significant changes approved by the Technical Committee for the 2018 Canadian Electrical Code Part I (CE Code).
Section 10 is a general section of the Canadian Electrical Code and applies to all installations unless amended by other Sections of the CE Code.