Gaylen D. Rogers started out his electrical career while attending West High School (WHS) in Salt Lake City, Utah. WHS offered an electricity class as part of its curriculum and this course started Gaylen on his path to becoming international president.
Gaylen holds a master electri-cian’s license and an electrical inspector’s license from the state of Utah. He has graduated from the University of Utah with a bachelor of science in electrical engineering (BSEE) degree.
He also has served as chairman of the education committee for the Utah Building Codes Commission. Since 1978, Gaylen has been an instructor in the apprentice electrician’s program at the Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) and has also served as chairman of the electricity program at SLCC.
In February 1971, Gaylen started working for the state of Utah as an electrical inspector. In March of the same year, he became a member of IAEI and was elected secretary/treasurer of the Utah Chapter; he served in this capacity for the next nine years. Afterwards, Gaylen was elected chairman of the Utah Chapter and later served as president of the Northwestern Section. He has also served as the secretary/treasurer of the Northwestern Section.
His National Electrical Code panel experience began when he was appointed as an alternate on panel 19; later he was appointed as the principal of that panel. In 2001, he was appointed chairman of panel 7 and is presently serving in this capacity.
Some of the goals Gaylen would like to see accomplished for the coming year include
- Increase membership and thereby promote training and understanding of electrical safety along with a better understanding and application of the National Electrical Code.
- Encourage members to submit applications for code manpower pool and share their expertise of electrical safety
- Promote the IAEI Website and the advantages of online dues payment
It takes each member’s participation to keep a strong and active IAEI which is the Keystone of the Electrical Industry.
He feels that IAEI has provided educational opportunities for him to meet, discuss and learn about National Electrical Code applications and requirements from other inspectors and electrical industry experts. Additionally, the companions program has always allowed his wife Marcia an opportunity to also attend meetings.
Gaylen always strives to maintain a high professional work ethic and encourages those around him to observe his motto of: “Nobody should know more about what you do than you.”
The IAEI has always helped him work toward attaining this goal. As Gaylen travels around to the various sections, be sure to shake his hand and say hello.
Gaylen loves to camp and fish with his wife Marcia and their family of two children and three grandchildren.
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