Let's start with the basics of Z32 and Section 24 of the CE Code. What is a “health care facility” for the purpose of Section 24 of the CE Code

There has been much concern about the challenges the construction industry is and will be facing over the next several years, construction labor shortages.

This series of articles provides a guide to help users find their way through the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1 (CE Code).

Training and continuing education of Plan Reviewers and Inspectors are absolutely essential to having qualified, competent, professional people that are fully capable of discharging the responsibilities of ensuring the safety of the public.

Continuing decreases in the cost of photovoltaic (PV) power systems have resulted in residential and commercial PV systems that are increasing in size and power output.

When does the CE Code apply to projects that cover only replacement of a piece of an existing electrical equipment, upgrade of such piece of equipment, or addition of certain electrical equipment?

This is the third of a series of five articles detailing significant changes approved by the Technical Committee for the 2018 Canadian Electrical Code Part I (CE Code).

Can UL shed some light on sizing of conductors and branch-circuit protective devices required for Certified (Listed) three-phase drives used in single-phase to three-phase motor applications?

One of the most important purposes of the IAEI magazine is to disseminate information relating to the safe installation and use of electricity in a way that will advance the education of the members of IAEI.