Top Row: Randy Hunter, Michal Hofkin, Mike Forister, Rick Hollander, Milford Badders, Marjorie Edwards, Tom Moore, Ken Masters, James Rogers, Tim Pope, James Hathorn, Dave Clements.
Bottom Row: Jeffrey “Jeff” Fitzloff, Layne Western, Larry Chan, Shawn Paulsen, Steve Jones, Dave Williams, Greg Taylor, Daniel B. Langlois.
The International Board of Directors gathered in November 2018 to attend the International Association of Electrical Inspectors Grand Opening Reception at the newly remodeled International Office in Richardson, Texas, and to conduct its annual business.
The group met November 8-9, 2018, with its first mission being the election and installation of the 2019 directors and officers.
Board minutes from meetings held November 16-17, 2017, November 18, 2017, and June 4, 2018, were reviewed and accepted. I provided the report on the activities and accomplishments of the Association during the past year. The Board accepted the Governance Committee report and approved amendments to the Suncoast Division, Rogers Williams Chapter, Southwestern Section, and the Western Section bylaws. The Board accepted the Fiscal Affairs Committee report and approved the 2017 Audited Financial Statements ending December 31, 2017. Also approved was the hiring of an auditor for 2018 and the 2019 budget.
One new change of note was the approval of a new International Board governance model and changes to the International bylaws which will become effective during the 2019 annual Board meeting in November.

The Board thanked the outgoing President Larry Chan and welcomed the 2019 President/Chairman of the Board Shawn Paulsen.
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