Take this energy storage quiz based on the 2017 National Electrical Code to test your ability to find all of the regulations on energy storage.

In addition to paying taxes, there is one thing you can count on for sure: the electrical industry will continue to evolve. All we have to do is look at energy storage as an example and how it has evolved over the past two centuries.

Before we get into the details of conductors, currents, and circuit protection on the AC side of the PV system, let’s step back and try to get a bigger picture of where are some of the dangers or hazards that need to be considered.

The CE Code states, "Electrical equipment used in electrical installations within the jurisdiction of the inspection department shall be approved and shall be of a kind or type and rating approved for the specific purpose for which it is to be employed."

Q. I know cord and plug-connected appliances are tested for leakage current but are hard-wired appliances tested for leakage current, as well?

Test your knowledge of how the NEC-2017 handles different types of GFCIs in this GFCI quiz from Crystal Hunter in this issue of IAEI News.

I’m very excited that all of our Board of Directors and a number of our industry partners could attend, as the building renovations would not have been possible without their kind donations and support.

Do wire connectors used to make line side splices or taps need to have a short circuit current rating (SCCR)?